Boring Bio Stuff

Hamilton Kohl is the very definition of average. At just under five-foot-ten he is neither particularly big or small. He has a not very exciting day job which involves things like cubicles and meetings. He lives in a middle class, completely middle of the road subdivision with his wife and children just outside of Toronto, Canada. He writes when he can, and you can view the fruits of those efforts below, which are best described as okay, passably competent, and at best are "good enough."

Published Stories

Dwarves, Elves, and Consultants

T. Gene Davis's Speculative Blog


A Stitch In Time Will Cost You More

K.Ferrin Blog


A Fragmented Examination of Slingshot Time Travel

Mad Scientist Journal


Departures in Treacle

Truancy Magazine


Shade Under a Blue Moon

The Arcanist

(Weird West /Fantasy)

Of Leaf and Limb

The Arcanist


Dead Man's Boots

The Arcanist - Ghost Stories

(Weird West /Fantasy)

The Waxing of a Blood Moon



A Few Words About Transmogrification

Sci-Fi Lampoon
